Have you met with us yet?

The Super Bowl and the Oscars are over. The IRS has been accepting electronically filed returns for a couple weeks now.

Which means, well … it’s about to get real. We are getting busy around here at Team Barnes Accountancy Corporation.

Which is why I have mentioned a few times the importance of filing early. Do not procrastinate tax filing this year. Do not put it off.

Get after it. Now.

I want you to play the tape forward.

It’s the day before Tax Day, April 14th, and other taxpayers around you are scrambling. My phone will be going wild of course, and my email inbox will overheat … but I’ll take pleasure knowing you’re enjoying the space that our services provide for you — sipping on something delicious and enjoying the turn of Spring.

How good will it feel to know you took care of business a month or two before? (Keep me in your thoughts when that time comes, please.)

This is why we’re here! To help you process tax season. No matter what happened last year.

Every year, tax season brings us dozens of gifts in the form of great people like you. We get to use skills that we’re passionate about to help you handle something you … might NOT be passionate about.

You have unique gifts and passions, and need to be doing things that drive you. That’s why we love what we do: we get to free you up to be your best self.

Verbal affirmation keeps us going, so we encourage you to keep it coming. If we’ve helped you in the past, thank you for your generous feedback! It really means the world to us.

Simply put, we can’t express enough how grateful we are for your trust in us. We don’t take that lightly.

Now, to help earn the trust of others as we grow our client base, we have one request of you…

Well, perhaps two.

If you have filed your taxes with us before, would you:

A) Write about how our team has helped you in the past? You can find us on Google, and we’d love to have your feedback!


If you haven’t filed your taxes with us before…

Find us on that platform to read about other client experiences in the past. The proof is in the internet-review-pudding. We’d love for you to be next in line.


B) Would you forward this note to anyone you think would benefit from help with their taxes? Especially if it’s someone you think would prefer to file with a personable touch.

You can let him or her know we are willing to review their tax return to make sure that everything was done right for them. They can call us anytime at (714) 541-4338 and mention you referred them. We’re excited to hear from some of your friends and family.

So again…

Fast forward to a month or two from now, when you’ll be relaxing, knowing that TODAY you took the steps toward financial responsibility for the good of you or your family, that you saved a bunch of money on your taxes, and (perhaps even better) that you didn’t have to deal with the dirty tax details. At the end of the day … that’s our job.

Lucky for you, we happen to love it. 🙂

With gratitude…



David Barnes

(714) 541-4338

Barnes Accountancy Corporation