David Barnes’s Tips on Getting Help with Medical Debt
Before I get into my tips for getting help with medical debt, let me start out by saying… we’re less than ONE WEEK away from the IRS beginning to receive electronically-filed returns.That means different things to different people in our Southern California client...
Southern California Taxpayers with IRS Problems: How to Choose the Best Tax Advisor
The new year train has rolled out of the station and is picking up momentum already. First stop? Tax season.If you haven’t been thinking about or preparing for it, you should be! Especially if you’ve got unfiled taxes or owe back taxes. It’s really time to face those...
Barnes Accountancy Corporation on the New $600 Reporting Requirement for Digital Payment Apps
To be fair, the new $600 reporting requirement for digital payment apps isn't a Venmo thing ... it's an IRS thing.(Personally, I'm still amazed by how people share their transactions so publicly on these kinds of platforms. But that's a topic for another day.)And I...
Southern California Taxpayers, How to Get 2021 Tax Filing Documents in Order
Before I jump into discussing tax filing documents, I hope it's okay that I spare you all of the "new year, new you" stuff.If you're anything like me, you’re being inundated with rehashed well-wishes and generic, happy-clappy "time to set some goals!!!" talk.And I...
Does bankruptcy clear tax debt? Barnes Accountancy Corporation’s Take
Bankruptcy is a taboo subject of discussion in our society, despite the fact that it’s a perfectly legitimate tool for flushing debts and starting over financially. When you’re deep in the hole with credit card debt, medical debt, mortgage debt, and the like,...
Barnes Accountancy Corporation on Last-Minute Tax Moves for 2021
I remember reaching the end of 2020 ... it seemed as if all of us were breathing a huge collective sigh of relief.And then ... more chaos.Is it wrong to hope that 2022 will turn out better? Hard to say ... but I do know that what I DON'T want to do is retreat into...
David Barnes’ “Help Me Remember” Holiday Prayer
These last couple weeks of 2021 are already a little unusual.Current events are swirling around virus policy, the big Biden "Build Back Better" Act seems to have hit a Joe-Manchin-sized brick wall, sports leagues are in an uproar around rising case numbers, and...
Bad Money Habits Keeping Southern California People in Debt
Today’s topic (bad money habits) calls for a little bluntness… a bit risky, I know, but necessaryfor any Southern California person finding themselves in debt to the IRS.And I’ll give a caveat here and say that what I’m talking about today has nothing to do with...
David Barnes’s Strategies for Fighting Inflation
If you’ve been in a Southern California store lately or visited your local gas pump, you’ve probably noticed some price fluctuations – up and up and up. Every visit, it seems.Inflation is here, and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. So, we all have to figure out...
David Barnes on Year End Tax Strategies
I'm going to go further than I did last week and offer you some tangible things you can do NOW.And look ... probably taxes aren’t the first thing on your mind now that the holiday lights are flickering. After all, it’s a happy season for every Southern California...
Southern California Taxpayers: Dissipated Assets and Their Effect on IRS Debt Repayment
It’s easy for Southern California taxpayers to fall on the wrong side of tax debt when things are tough economically. But what about consistent negligence even when you have the money? Well, that’s another case altogether. And the IRS isn’t prone to playing nice or...
Infrastructure Act Tax Implications for Southern California Taxpayers
I don’t know about you, but I'm still over here digesting leftovers from last week’s festivities -- as well as the passage of that trillion dollar infrastructure act in Washington (more on that in a minute). But as November turns into December, I realize (and you...