For Small Businesses

Small Business Services


What our Clients are saying

Establish Greater Profitability and Business EffICIENCY!

Your business’ profitability and operational efficiency are at the center of your business’ success!

Our experience, resources, and attention to detail make our accounting services second-to-none. As an experienced accounting team, we look forward to the opportunity to help transform your business’ financials as we work with you to establish short- and long-term strategies for growth and profitability.

Working with us and enlisting our business services could make all the difference!

Whether you need help starting a business, cleaning up your bookkeeping, setting up QuickBooks, handling payroll, or you crave some much-needed business coaching or other strategic consulting, we have been doing this for years, and stay on top of all of the new regulations to help you take the most advantage possible. Legally, and ethically — and profitably.

We work with our clients in a relational way to help them experience the financial success they desire — whether the business is just an idea, relatively new, or a well-established entity. Whether small, large, or in need of some special attention, we have the experience you need so that you can focus on what your business does best.

Save On Your Taxes With David Barnes’s Nine Tax Planning Questions

Tax Pro World is abuzz about the increase of the Social Security wage base standard.Well, I should clarify -- most of Tax Pro World is taking naps this week and not really thinking much about taxes whatsoever, ha! After all, that was one of the most epically intensive...

Paying Off Debt by David Barnes

Last month, I talked about [ENGBLOG]some potential moves Southern California taxpayers could make by the end of the year. I wanted to remind you of those possibilities before I get to what else I want to talk with you about... (paying off debt)Those were:Look ahead to...

Is Your State Broke? David Barnes Analyzes State Tax Revenue Sources

With national events continuing as they are, here at Barnes Accountancy Corporation, we're finding ourselves locking into "go mode" ... again.It's unusual for us to be in this mode smack in the middle of June, but this year has not been ... usual.This is because the...

David Barnes’ Four Keys To Shape Your Financial Future During College

I wish I had been smarter about money when I was younger.(You too?)Now, when I observe the power of compounding interest, and the kinds of possibilities available to those Southern California residents who have accumulated an asset base (however "small" it might seem)...

CNC Status: A Program That Can Help Southern California Taxpayers in Debt to the IRS

Owing money to the IRS isn’t so bad. Say what now? Yep, that’s right. It’s not such a terrible thing. Well ... as long as you’re broke, that is. Because if you have significant income or assets, the IRS is going to do everything they can to squeeze every last dime out...

David Barnes’s Primer on Sports Betting and Taxes

Just less than five years ago, certain sports figures were being threatened with suspension for even APPEARING at collectibles events in which a sports betting company was a sponsor.Now there is an NFL-endorsed provider of sports betting (for those states in which it...

Reflections On The Extended Tax Season By A Local Southern California Tax Professional

I remember at the end of April 2019 that I felt like it had been one of the wildest tax seasons in memory. The TCJA ("Trump Tax Code") had thrown a ton of curveballs our way, and we were looking forward to implementing tax planning strategies for our Southern...

A Powerful Example of Tax Planning For Southern California Families And Individuals

It's wild to think that there are only four more months in 2019.As we get older, time sure does fly. And unfortunately, many get stuck in a rut from year to year. Specifically related to taxes -- many do not look at, or even think about, their tax situation until...

Cultivating Gratitude for Thanksgiving 2020 in Southern California

I think we all need this week.2020 has been *so hard*, for so many in Southern California (and far beyond!). And it's not over yet -- from continued electoral fighting, to spikes in virus cases and increased governmental restrictions all over the place, and (of...

David Barnes’ Tax-Wise Charitable Giving Strategies

Fatigue.Lockdowns, election politics, masks -- we THOUGHT we might be done with these things by now ... but nope. And I bet you're tired of it all. Most Southern California people are, aside from the zealots on every side. And I get it.That doesn't mean these things...

How You’re Missing Legal Tax Deductions

Here’s a certain truth: the State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.
But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!