For Individuals

College Financial Planning

How Can You Pay for Your Kid to go to College, Spend and Save as You Are Now, and Increase the Amount of Money You have for Retirement?

Elder Care Financial Care

Finally… Worry Free Financial Management for Your Aging Parent or Family Member.

Estate Planning Done Right

Make Sure Your Family Transitions Prepare Your Children and Your Family for Financial Freedom.

A Great Retirement Planning and Portfolio Tip for Our Southern California Friends

Can you believe it? Three weeks until the May 17th deadline! You'll forgive me if visions of vacation and beaches are dancing through my daydreams.For many in Southern California, daydreams like these become more frequent while contemplating retirement (not just...

David Barnes’ Tax-Wise Charitable Giving Strategies

Fatigue.Lockdowns, election politics, masks -- we THOUGHT we might be done with these things by now ... but nope. And I bet you're tired of it all. Most Southern California people are, aside from the zealots on every side. And I get it.That doesn't mean these things...

How Southern California Residents Can Donate for Dorian Relief

Unfortunately, this is a follow-up piece to some advice I shared in the spring -- March to be exact.When tornadoes ravaged Lee County, Alabama, the country rushed to its aid. Although nature is beautiful in various forms, it's also equally unpredictable. And that...

David Barnes’ Three Keys To Get Out of Debt

The World Series is here, football seasons are in full swing, school is deep in session, and the weather is shifting for sure.Fall has a way of running along faster than we realize.It's kind of like our financial picture: things can change REAL fast, and before you...

David Barnes’ Four Common Investment Mistakes

The stock market has caused some alarm as of late. Will investors wake up panicked or encouraged tomorrow? It's hard to say.But one thing is clear: basing your peace of mind on market signals is no way to live.That said, I'd love to see my Southern California clients...

David Barnes’ Insights on How to Choose the Right Health Insurance Plan

November has officially begun.Decisions are upon us. All of the normal holiday decisions, like which Lego set to buy the little one or which relatives to invite (or not invite) for Thanksgiving dinner, are dancing through our heads as the seasons change.But not only...

David Barnes’ “Help Me Remember” Holiday Prayer

These last couple weeks of 2021 are already a little unusual.Current events are swirling around virus policy, the big Biden "Build Back Better" Act seems to have hit a Joe-Manchin-sized brick wall, sports leagues are in an uproar around rising case numbers, and...

Barnes Accountancy Corporation Answers: Can You Be Fired Because of A Wage Levy?

We're almost at the end of September, which is bewildering -- where did summer go? Pumpkin lattes are everywhere, the weather is turning ... and life is really starting to accelerate. But we do know something that can stop anyone in their tracks on an accelerating...

Effective Financial Documentation Strategies for Southern California Taxpayers

A few timely things to get to, before I offer you my thoughts on a good task for you to do this week...First of all, the IRS has apparently caught up on processing their backlogged mail that stacked up during COVID closures. Or, well enough, they say.That means that...

How COV-19 Affected Annual RMD for Southern California Retirees

With a third round of "stimmy" (as the kids say) hitting bank accounts for the past week, 90MM+ Americans (including some of us in Southern California) are once again flush with cash. It remains to be seen what this will do for the economy, but combined with what...

How You’re Missing Legal Tax Deductions

Here’s a certain truth: the State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.
But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!