Tax Services

When it comes to the world of taxes, preparation and planning go a LONG way. We have the expertise and knowledge you are looking for in a tax professional and can help you navigate your options.

We’re happy to help you with any of these services:

Tax Preparation

Stop missing out on potential deductions that could be saving you big money!

Tax Planning

Real strategies and solutions to help you minimize your IRS liability.

IRS AUDIT Representation

Don’t go it alone! We’re your ally and representative in an IRS audit.

The Challenge of Allowable Living Expenses for Southern California Taxpayers Who Owe the IRS

According to IRS calculations, the 2021 allowable living expenses for a typical family of four didn’t change a single dime from 2020 .It went from $1,740 per month to… $1,740 per month.The IRS clearly missed the memo regarding pandemic inflation from their colleagues...

2019 Tax Planning and Almost Completely True Facts About David Barnes

Yes, here I am again -- and yes, I know the W-2's haven't arrived, and you might not have begun to really think about little ol' David Barnes and your taxes yet. But today I want to offer you some reasons why ... well, you should.In fact, there are LOTS of good...

Save On Your Taxes With David Barnes’s Nine Tax Planning Questions

Tax Pro World is abuzz about the increase of the Social Security wage base standard.Well, I should clarify -- most of Tax Pro World is taking naps this week and not really thinking much about taxes whatsoever, ha! After all, that was one of the most epically intensive...

The Difficulty (and the Power) of Thanksgiving

Perhaps it's because of the craziness of the past year and a half, maybe it’s the local Southern California the weather ... but for some reason, the holiday season has caught us off guard over here at Barnes Accountancy Corporation. Wasn’t it just the end of summer...

Southern California Folks With Student Loans, Or Who Take An RMD, You’ve Got To Read This

It feels to me that we're all in need of some good news.I have some great news for the young (ish) and the old (ish), but before I get there, I'd like to encourage EVERY person who is reading this:Keep your head in the game.Yes -- we can so easily get caught up in...

David Barnes’s Next Steps After Settling With The IRS

Let's talk about what happens AFTER we are able to strike a deal on your behalf with the IRS. Because after all, that really is the goal here isn't it? So ... the IRS agreed that you could not pay all of your taxes back, and that a settlement was in everyone's best...

Barnes’ Rules of Thumb for Life Insurance

Autumn is here, and in some parts of the country, apparently that already means snow...Weather is a close second to "life" in terms of unpredictability.So I think that means two things:You should always carry an umbrella.Your life insurance policy should be clear and...

David Barnes’ To-Do List If You Can’t Pay All Your Taxes

Some of our Southern California clients are STILL pulling their paperwork -- which is understandable during this donkey of a year, and with all of the new complications.But sadly, ye olde IRS isn't extending any payment grace in a couple weeks. (I say "sadly", but...

5 Next Steps for Tax Return Review

5 Next Steps for Tax Return ReviewSoooooo, what now? I'm glad you (ahem) asked.Just because tax season is over, doesn’t mean we’re not still here for you.In fact, with the IRS experiencing a litany of problems right now, we’ll gently recommend a little tax return...

David Barnes’ Parents’ Guide For Telling Their Family’s Financial Story

How we are raised around financial matters can impact us for a lifetime.When a close friend or family member loses their home, or their job (or both), it can be frightening on several levels. You begin to wonder if the same could happen to you. And, as you're probably...

How You’re Missing Legal Tax Deductions

Here’s a certain truth: the State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.
But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!